Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thrift Store Find! - White 534 Superlock Serger

I had to share this. I finally have a serger!

My sweety and I were running errands and other random stuff. We decided to stop at a couple different thrift stores since we were looking for an old oil lamp.

Well, no luck with the oil lamp so I was just wandering through the shelves when I looked at the end of the aisle and notice what looked like a glowing halo of joy, the thread feeder of a serger. I hurried my pace praying I'd make it before someone else noticed a possible diamond in the rough. Once I reached the end of the aisle I literally went "EEEE!". Seriously, the employee that was cleaning up the aisle next to mine asked if I was okay.

After calming myself down I quickly inspected the serger. It was a White 534 Superlock and found that other than being really dirty it seemed to be in good shape. Then I looked at the price, OMG $30 dollars! WOOO!

I picked up the box and ran over to my sweety to have him look at my find and make sure I wasn't looking at it through rose tinted glasses. I get the feeling I looked like a kid that just found a super cool toy they want their parents to get them. He seemed a little more suspicious of the machine then I did. It really did look like a mess, the little serger seemed to have been in someone's basement or garage for years. It was covered in dirt, the thread that was still on it was tangled up.

My new serger needs a good cleaning.

We both decided at $30 dollars there wasn't much to lose, plus I could return it for store credit if it didn't work.  So we went to the checkout, I was congratulated by the customer in front of me on my awesome find (yay!), paid for it and went home to test it out.

I took it out of the box, found a toy Indian in the box, put said toy in my cupboard, went back to looking at my serger.  After cleaning up the serger I looked up the manual online, thankfully the Singer website has the manuals for the White brand on their site. From there I oiled it and threaded it then hoped for the best.

I tested it on some scrap jersey I had laying around and thankfully it worked.  I'm still working on it tweaking the settings on it but so far the stitches are looking great!

This seriously has to be one of the best finds I've ever had.  What is the best thrift store find you had?

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