Sunday, January 3, 2016

My Weight Loss Story 2015

In 2014 I was at my heaviest at 180 lbs. Stress, desk job and poor eating habits helped cause a lot of it. I knew I needed to change how I was living if I wanted to get down to a healthier weight.

I decided to move to a different part of the state like I had planned to for years.  I ended up finding a home in a small town with no delivery (yeah it's that small of a town) which made me do more cooking/planning at home. After the new year also came a new job. I decided I didn't want another desk job and found a job that require walking and lifting.

The new job was probably one of the best kick starts for my weight loss. It provided me with the exercise my body was lacking and kept me from snacking (no desk, no extra snacking). Doing this for 4 months I was down 12 pounds without any special dieting.

I during this I changed positions in the company, more walking but less heavy lifting. I was worried I'd start gaining the weight back without the lifting so I decided to work on maintaining the weight. Maintaining my current weight turned out to be fairly successful with only fluctuating 3 pounds.

Around the time I wanted to start working towards weight lost again the military diet was brought to my attention so I decided to try it.  The first week I follow the diet almost exactly and lost 8 pounds, gained back 3. Feeling pretty good about it I decided to continue the diet but with veggies added.

By the time I was finished with the Military Diet I had lost a total of 11 pounds and choose to use the rest of the year maintaining the weight loss.

Now that it's the New Year and I've kept off 23lbs for the last several months I have decided to start up on weight loss to try for another 20 lbs this year.

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